Latest Poser Freebies

Art, Design, and Science Fiction
Cool Tuna Studio is Nan Fredman's ongoing work, most recently concentrating on Computer Graphic (CG) art using 3D rendering applications, mainly Poser Pro2012 and Vue Infinite as well as Photoshop and, Painter; and on story-telling in the Urban Fantasy/Science Fiction genre.
I've had this web domain in various evolutions since 1996. I'l probalby have it until I pass on. You can also find me in various places in the Cyberverse: my new 3D Noir forum, the Renderosity Poser gallery, and Twitter.
Check out my blog for art and art tutorials. I've also started bringing over some of the short illustrated story/blurbs from Renderosity and posting them there, which should be fun.
The Poser section here contains freebies designed to work in Smith-Micro's Poser application. The Gallery is (surprise!) artwork and downloadable wallpapers.
If you are looking for my hair painting tutorials, there are two: One in simple written steps, and a three-part video tutorial.
I also paint in oils and draw in pencils and ink, and have from a very young age, even though not formally schooled—my university time was spent in engineering. These days, I do web development by day, using Plone and Python in the service of Amtrak's Great American Stations project as well as the Amtrak 40th Anniversary site and Digital Archives, of which I am the web site producer as well as one of the principle writers.
Of course, thank you for visiting!
—Nan Fredman
News of Note
- My resume has been updated, as of September 11, 2012.
- November, 2011 - Being laid up after foot surgery has some advantages. In this case, doing a spot of studying (Modo and Silo) as well as updating the CG galleries, adding two new galleries: One more Poser and One new Vue.
- June, 2011 - Starting to create landscapes in Vue Infinite. OK, that started last July, but there was a learning curve. I'm making a landscape pile on my blog, if you're interested.
- Vanilla Forums are really easy to create and make a great clubhouse. :)
- October, 2010 - Site redesigned! Needed to polish the chrome and re-organize a bit.
- September, 2010 - Outgrew the old 3D gallery! Here's the latest! There are about 200 pictures in the two 3D galleries now. Bunch o' wallpapers there, too!
- For god's sake, someone Tweet my damn blog entries.
- Got into the DAZ Monthly Gallery for October 2010, too, with Sorrows' Trinity.
- Got into the DAZ Monthly Gallery for September 2010, with this picture.
- One of my good online friends, Mavrosh, has taken her gallery from Renderosity due to a difference of opinion and has moved her multitude of Digital humans over to her own site. This has prompted me to create a links page so that people can visit some of my artist friends (and relatives). Do be aware that some of these sites include artistic nudity, and I will mark them as such so you won't be surprised.
- See: Video hair painting for Poser renders, demonstration 1.
- I'm up to over 100 IMAGES in my Poser gallery, here! *Yay*
- Be sure to see the latest FREEBIES for M4 (Poser-related)
- Happy, happy...I've not only gotten into the DAZ Monthly Gallery for February 2009, but also had two pieces win the Staff Picks for the week of March 2-8. Both are chosen by the staff of their respective sites, if you're not familiar with them, and there's a lot of competition. Nothing associated with it except some temporary notoriety, but that's nice, you know?
- I've added an AIM WIMZI gadget to my site so you can chat with me when I"m online. I put it on its own page.
- Most of the action's going on in the 3d gallery pictures and wallpapers added every several days.
- November, 2008 - Hair Painting Tutorial - How to use Photoshop to paint digital hair for Poser renders.